Centre for Constitutional Studies
“Constitution is not a mere lawyers’ document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.”
- D r. B.R. Ambedkar
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land. It not only describes the basic principles of the State, the structures and processes of governance and the fundamental rights of citizens but also envisions a path of growth and development for a nation. The Constitution of India encompasses in its fold the ideals and values of our civilizational heritage, as also the beliefs and aspirations that emerged out of our Freedom Struggle. The constitution declares India a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic, assuring its citizens justice, equality and liberty, and endeavors to promote fraternity. The Constituent Assembly on 26th January 1950 endowed us with the Constitution which secures to all its citizens the equality of status and opportunity. Furthermore it guarantees the freedom of thought, expression, faith and worship regardless of any discrimination. The prime goal envisaged by the Constitution is that of a Welfare State as a per-requisite for dignified human existence and good of all , with accountability as the lifeline. It is the farsightedness and visionary leadership of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution which has bestowed the country with an outstanding Constitution that has worked as a beacon for the nation over the last several decades. The country greatly owes the success of the democratic system to the robust edifice and institutional framework that the Constitution of India has laid down.
The Centre for constitutional studies was founded with an intention to create awareness and investigate the new horizons of the essential fundamentals of the Constitution, aiding upgrade of sensible thinking and legal aptitude of students. It also provides a platform to the students to bring forth their ideas on recent constitutional law development and promote research on constitutional and policy matters.
The Principal Objectives of the Centre are:
♦ Encourage constitutional studies through innovative methods.
♦ To give a platform to the students where they can advance the creative thoughts concerning constitutional law .
♦Contribute awareness of constitutional law through research-oriented activities involving students, and going beyond traditional classroom teaching methods.
♦ To educate the population about the utility of their basic rights and duties.
♦ To help in the formulation of Government policies and legislation by sending proposals to the concerned organizations.
♦To bring various stakeholders in one forum to discuss openly their perspectives and conclusions.
♦ Critique judgments of Supreme Court and High Courts touching constitutional law.
♦ Acquire a sense of personal responsibility such as obeying the law, follow constitutional obligations.
♦ Identify the interface of constitutional law with other law disciplines.
♦Conducting additional courses, conferences and seminars on current developments in constitutional law.
♦To understand and evolve the changing trends of constitution around the world for comparative studies.
♦ To provide a healthy atmosphere to the students for discussions on the burning issues of constitution.
♦ To maintain an environment of togetherness, unity and dignity.
♦ To nourish a Constitutional Culture.
This Centre is headed by
Faculty Members:
Ms. Aiswarya M U
Ms. Abhaya B K