Centre for International Trade and Maritime Law
International trade law probes on the importance of trade policy as well as trade laws governing trade of goods and services across national borders. It is a rapidly growing area in the field of International law. Maritime law, also known as admiralty law is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, like shipping or offences and disputes. But these laws do not address the concerns pertaining to the field appropriately, as the Indian trade practices are relatively different from those foreign states. Also, under the Indian maritime law regime, there has been a lack of timely amendments and proper implementation and hence most of the laws are outdated and are not equipped to deal with modern complications. The laws are of extreme value and significance for governments, corporations and individuals. Therefore, it is important to move with the pace of development in the subject by initiating bright and talented students as well as aspiring researchers to come-up with ground-breaking research this field.
The Centre seeks to crystallize the current Maritime and Trade law jurisprudence in India and to build a centre of excellence and research in the field of International Trade and Maritime Law.
♦ To advocate the importance of International Trade and Maritime law by engaging in public discourses.
♦ To cultivate an atmosphere that inspires, challenges and improves members’ awareness, skills and abilities through persistent learning.
♦ To identify, analyse and provide creative ideas and perspectives to influence the international discourse on wide ranging aspects of International Trade and Maritime Law.
♦ To facilitate policy-based research in a holistic manner, broaden the awareness of the value of research in these areas and support strong infrastructure for interdisciplinary research.
♦ To promote international outreach and build an extensive network of distinguished individuals.
♦ To operate within the campus community and at national as well as international levels to influence initiatives, strategic research directions and policies.
This Centre is headed by;
Faculty Members:
Ms. Nandu C
Ms. Angel Mary John
Ms. Anusree